Dear friends,

It is easy to become entranced, mesmerized by, the awfulness of the ego in its worst forms, but the choice to do otherwise is ever present. If you will but remember that you are in charge of where you give your attention, you will never be subject to influence. Again: If you will but remember that you are in charge of where you give your attention, you will never be subject to influence!

You must realize that the modus operandi of the ego is mesmeric, causing you to be inattentive - momentarily unconscious - by means of insinuation, innuendo and suggestion. In that lapse of conscious attention, you become subject to its intent to take advantage of you, to your detriment, and you are hooked. Then it is almost impossible to tear your eyes away from the lies, which it has suggested are the truth, and which it embellishes with ever increasing awfulness. And all the while, your salvation from this malicious possession of your attention lies in something as simple as a blink - a momentary interruption of your vision.

When you are immobilized by the awfulness of the ego, remember to blink. Or better yet, simply close your eyes. Take a moment to go within and find your peace . . . and seek the truth from there.

The ego would have you believe that the awful truths it has revealed to you put you in danger, and your salvation lies in your uninterrupted alertness to them. Its seductive and deceptive "friendliness" would keep you from discovering that it has stolen from you, your Birthright of peace and joy and that you are lost in an ego-spun web of deceit - illusions.

Do not be alert for awful "dangers," but rather be alert to loss of mobility, to loss of joy, to loss of peace. They cannot truly be taken from you. And if they seem to be gone, you have stopped paying attention to them.

Remember to blink!

Kingston, Washington
February 21, 2002