How committed are we to Brotherhood? How committed are we to Peace? How committed are we to being made new? How committed are we to being healed, to being totally regenerated, to putting away childish things, to graduating into what we Are? How committed are we to Atonement NOW? How committed are we to losing “loss” itself instead of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? How committed are we to the shift of perception which suddenly sees sin, sickness and death, suffering, aging and injury as absurd and ridiculous impositions upon Sons and Daughters of God RIGHT NOW, to become instantly free of RIGHT NOW?
There are two answers: The first is ”Not enough!” And the second is: “Not really.”
John said, “Now are we the Sons of God, but it doth not yet appear what we shall be. For when we see him, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself daily, even as he is pure.”
It is the last five words which empower the rest, putting them in trueperspective and putting you in your place . . . NOW! An uninspired reading of the words suggests that everyone is less than “something,” but becoming something more; that all are offspring of God—not Christ, but becoming Christ-like—and when everyone sees me as I am, he will be like me. He will have become like me. But the last five words clarify and correct that misperception. Indeed, the Atonement is the finding oneself to be like me, but the “how” and “why” of it is because he sees himself as I am . . . that “HE is pure!”
Already! NOW!
Again, here is the prevailing belief and the correction of it: “Now are we the Sons and Daughters of God, thinking we were born into sin, sickness and death—the human condition—whom, having the example of Jesus’ presence in the human condition are able to have hope, a reasonable faith, based upon our experience of him, that we can becomelike him, when the actual reason that we can is that we already Are!”
You already are! RIGHT NOW!
The only reason anyone could possibly become a full-fledged Son or Daughter of God is because He or She ALREADY IS . . . and that is why there CAN be a miracle—“a SUDDEN shift of perception,” instead of a long, drawn-out process. It is the reason “it doth not yet appear what ye shall be.”
There is no such thing as “becoming” what you are,” and as long as one tries, he finds himself in a state of denial of what he is and this firm commitment, even though it is only a belief, is a firm practice of “no” against “yes” . . . you against God—a state of tension/conflict. And that is the generic definition of the “suffering perception” experienced as every form of the “human condition” which everyone thinks he has to die out of instead of suddenly wake up from!
There is nothing holding anyone back from being totally committed to “Wholeness Now” except for the commitment one preoccupies his mind with to achieve “Wholeness in the Future.” There should not be a moment’s dalliance spent in condoning or tolerating the smallest speck of “lack” of any kind, and it is not arrogance to practice such intolerance. Wholeness is not to be postponed, and the word means nothing when taken out of the context of NOW. You can see, for example, how absurd it would be to imagine a sentence that says . . . “for it doth not yet appear what God will be.”
God IS, not “will be,” and you can actually laugh at the absurdity . . . and the laughter is spontaneously healing because it is the collapse of any credence which might be given to such a crazy sentence. You see?
Abundance is quantity, while Wholeness is a state of Being, and it is essential to know the difference. Why? Because Wholeness is “needs met,” and needs met is fulfillment of Purpose rather than accumulation of value. Needs met is never a possession and therefore is not subject to loss, does not have to be protected and cannot be used for leverage, manipulation or control. Because of this, commitment to Wholeness, commitment to Brotherhood is sometimes feigned, not real, because one wants more than what meets the need and values the process of “getting” it—values what he gets, values what he believes it says about him, as well as suffers from not getting it and what that says about him.
The love of Wholeness, instead of love of wealth, is the essence of Brotherhood, which shifts relationships from defense and fear to embrace and safety. When form follows function, when Love meets need instead of want, balance and equity and the joy of observing and participating in it is the experience of Heaven, Creation, distortionless and free of any hint of suffering—like that of children laughing, having fun, with giggles and the blissful experience of carefree joy for no good reason, without justification or explanation, delight without excess or diminishment of any kind. And if you don’t remember that, yourself, you certainly have seen such behavior.
Saying yes to God is saying yes to Life. Saying no to God is saying yes to death . . . yes to the unholy triad, sin-sickness-death . . . the illusion created by a shift of perception called the Fall which is undone by a shift of perception called a miracle. Both the Fall and the Atonement are instantaneous events—sudden and without process—a simple changing of one’s mind. As I’ve said before, “You see what you’re looking with, not what’s being observed,” and that’s why the answer lies in the five words, “Thy will be done, Father.”
As you will notice in the Fundraising Monitor there is still a need for $514,332 needed four days from now in order to avoid foreclosure on the property which provided the collateral for the Foundation’s benefactor’s loan twelve years ago. I have instructed Paul and Susan not to sell the property, and that equity, balance and Wholeness will be identified in this form at this time.
Everyone continues to be invited to participate in the meeting of this need, which can be in the form of contributions and/or a new benefactor taking on a new lien which pays off the current lien.
As I have shared earlier, when “can” is confronted by “can’t” it is necessary to go within and ask of one’s Guide or the Holy Spirit, “What is the next step?” Paul is doing that, and there is learning for everyone in what we are doing.
I thank everyone who has participated in contributing almost $10,000 since the fundraising began ten days ago.
Kingston, Washington
March 27th, 2021
For those who wish to make a contribution, you can do so via:
P.O. Box 1490
Kingston, WA 98346