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Random quote: All thinking is an extension of the need to create yourself by virtue of independent self assertion in order to make yourself knowable on your terms instead of the terms of creation. -Raj (July 13th, 2008)
- (Added by: Stefanie Finn)

ACIM Lesson 135 If I defend myself I am attacked.
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Posted 2010-05-15 6:30 AM (#142338)
Subject: ACIM Lesson 135 If I defend myself I am attacked.
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Posts: 5954
Location: Portland Ore

Lesson 135
“If I defend myself I am attacked.”

Who would defend himself unless he thought he was attacked, that the attack is real, and that his own defence can save himself? And herein lies the folly of defence; it gives illusions full reality, and then attempts to handle them as real. It adds illusions to illusions, thus making correction doubly difficult.

And it is this you do when you attempt to plan the future, activate the past, or organize the present as you wish. You operate from the belief you must protect yourself from what is happening, because it must contain what threatens you. A sense of threat is an acknowledgment of an inherent weakness; a belief that there is danger which has power to call on you to make appropriate defence.

The world is based on this insane belief. And all its structures, all its thoughts and doubts, its penalties and heavy armaments, its legal definitions and its codes, its ethics and its leaders and its gods, all serve but to preserve its sense of threat. For no-one walks the world in armature but must have terror striking at his heart.

Defence is frightening. It stems from fear, increasing fear as each defence is made. You think it offers safety. Yet it speaks of fear made real and terror justified. Is it not strange you do not pause to ask, as you elaborate your plans and make your armor thicker and your locks more tight, what you defend, and how, and against what?

Let us consider first what you defend. It must be something that is very weak and easily assaulted. It must be something made easy prey, unable to protect itself, and needing your defence. What but the body has such frailty that constant care and watchful, deep concern is needful to protect its little life? What but the body falters and must fail to serve the Son of God as worthy host?

Yet it is not the body that can fear, nor be a thing to fear. It has no need but those which you assign to it. It needs no complicated structures of defence, no health-inducing medicine, no care and no concern at all. Defend its life, or give it gifts to make it beautiful or walls to make it safe, and you but say your home is open to the thief of time, corruptible and crumbling, so unsafe it must be guarded with your very life.

Is not this picture fearful? Can you be at peace with such a concept of your home? Yet what endowed the body with the right to serve you thus except your own belief? It is your mind which gave the body all the functions that you see in it, and set its value far beyond a little pile of dust and water. Who would make defence of something that he recognized as this?

The body is in need of no defence. This cannot be too often emphasized. It will be strong and healthy if the mind does not abuse it by assigning it to roles it cannot fill, to purposes beyond its scope, and to exalted aims which it cannot accomplish. Such attempts, ridiculous yet deeply cherished, are the sources for the many mad attacks you make upon it. For it seems to fail your hopes, your needs, your values and your dreams.

The “self ” that needs protection is not real. The body, valueless and hardly worth the least defence, need merely be perceived as quite apart from you, and it becomes a healthy, serviceable instrument through which the mind can operate until its usefulness is over. Who would want to keep it when its usefulness is done?

Defend the body and you have attacked your mind. For you have seen in it the faults, the weaknesses, the limits and the lacks from which you think the body must be saved. You will not see the mind as separate from bodily conditions. And you will impose upon the body all the pain that comes from the conception of the mind as limited and fragile, and apart from other minds and separate from its Source.

These are the thoughts in need of healing, and the body will respond with health when they have been corrected and replaced with truth. This is the body’s only real defence. Yet is this where you look for its defence? You offer it protection of a kind from which it gains no benefit at all, but merely adds to your distress of mind. You do not heal, but merely take away the hope of healing, for you fail to see where hope must lie if it be meaningful.

A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans which it receives through listening to Wisdom that is not its own. It waits until it has been taught what should be done, and then proceeds to do it. It does not depend upon itself for anything except its adequacy to fulfill the plans assigned to it. It is secure in certainty that obstacles can not impede its progress to accomplishment of any goal which serves the greater plan established for the good of everyone.

A healed mind is relieved from the belief that it must plan, although it cannot know the outcome which is best, the means by which it is achieved, nor how to recognize the problem that the plan is made to solve. It must misuse the body in its plans until it recognizes this is so. But when it has accepted this as true, then is it healed, and lets the body go.

Enslavement of the body to the plans the unhealed mind sets up to save itself must make the body sick. It is not free to be a means of helping in a plan which far exceeds its own protection, and which needs its service for a little while. In this capacity is health assured. For everything the mind employs for this will function flawlessly, and with the strength that has been given it and cannot fail.

It is, perhaps, not easy to perceive that self-initiated plans are but defenses, with the purpose all of them were made to realize. They are the means by which a frightened mind would undertake its own protection at the cost of truth. This is not difficult to realize in some forms which these self-deceptions take, for the denial of reality is very obvious. Yet planning is not often recognized as a defence.

The mind engaged in planning for itself is occupied in setting up control of future happenings. It does not think that it will be provided for unless it makes its own provisions. Time becomes a future emphasis, to be controlled by learning and experience obtained from past events and previous beliefs. It overlooks the present, for it rests on the idea the past has taught enough to let the mind direct its future course.

The mind that plans is thus refusing to allow for change. What it has learned before becomes the basis for its future goals. Its past experience directs its choice of what will happen. And it does not see that here and now is everything it needs to guarantee a future quite unlike the past, without a continuity of any old ideas and sick beliefs. Anticipation plays no part at all, for present confidence directs the way.

Defenses are the plans you undertake to make against the truth. Their aim is to select what you approve, and disregard what you consider incompatible with your beliefs of your reality. Yet what remains is meaningless indeed. For it is your reality which is the “threat” that your defenses would attack, obscure, and take apart and crucify.

What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything which happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good? Perhaps you have misunderstood His plan, for He would never offer pain to you. But your defenses did not let you see His loving blessing shine in every step you ever took. While you made plans for death, He led you gently to Eternal life.

Your present trust in Him is the defence which promises a future undisturbed, without a trace of sorrow, and with joy which constantly increases as this life becomes a holy instant, set in time, but heeding only immortality. Let no defenses but your present trust direct the future, and this life becomes a meaningful encounter with the truth that only your defenses would conceal.

Without defenses, you become a light which Heaven gratefully acknowledges to be its own. And it will lead you on in ways appointed for your happiness according to the ancient plan, begun when time was born. Your followers will join their light with yours, and it will be increased until the world is lighted up with joy. And gladly will our brothers lay aside their cumbersome defenses which availed them nothing, and could only terrify.

We will anticipate that time today with present confidence, for this is part of what was planned for us. We will be sure that everything we need is given us for our accomplishment of this today. We make no plans for how it will be done, but realize that our defencelessness is all that is required for the truth to dawn upon our minds with certainty.

For fifteen minutes twice today we rest from senseless planning, and from every thought which blocks the truth from entering our minds. Today we will receive instead of plan, that we may give instead of organize. And we are given truly, as we say:

“If I defend myself I am attacked.
But in defencelessness I will be strong,
And I will learn what my defenses hide.”

Nothing but that. If there are plans to make, you will be told of them. They may not be the plans you thought were needed, nor indeed the answers to the problems which you thought confronted you. But they are answers to another kind of question, which remains unanswered yet in need of answering until the Answer comes to you at last.

All your defenses have been aimed at not receiving what you will receive today. And in the light and joy of simple truth, you will but wonder why you ever thought that you must be defended from release. Heaven asks nothing. It is hell that makes extravagant demands for sacrifice. You give up nothing in these times today when undefended you present yourself to your Creator as you really are.

He has remembered you. Today we will remember Him. For this is Easter time in your salvation. And you rise again from what was seeming death and hopelessness. Now is the light of hope reborn in you, for now you come without defence to learn the part for you within the plan of God. What little plans or magical beliefs can still have value, when you have received your function from the Voice of God Himself?

Try not to shape this day as you believe would benefit you most. For you can not conceive of all the happiness that comes to you without your planning. Learn today. And all the world will take this giant stride, and celebrate your Easter time with you. Throughout the day, as foolish little things appear to raise defensiveness in you and tempt you to engage in weaving plans, remind yourself this is a special day for learning, and acknowledge it with this:

“This is my Easter time. And I would keep
It holy. I will not defend myself,
Because the Son of God needs no defence
Against the truth of his Reality.”
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Posted 2016-05-04 5:37 AM (#211199 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing shop in the internet rare of gadgets
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Magnetik.com.ua - ????????-??????? ??????????? ?????.

???? ??? ?? ???????? ?????, ?????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????-???????? Magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ???????? ????????.
? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ????. ???????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??? 1102 ???????? Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ????????. ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ???????? Police ? ?????? ??????.
???????? ?? ??????? ??????????. ???????? ??????. ??????. ?????????????? ??????????????. ???? ????? ?????!

?????? ? ?????? ???????????? - ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? - ?????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ??????????? - ???????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? - ???????????? police 1108.
?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????????? ??????? ????????? - ????? ?????.

? ??? ???? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? Gallus 2000 Itron G4, ??? ??????? ??????, ???????????? ??????????? ????????????, ????? ?????? ?????.
???. ???????.

?.: 067-864-48-25, 093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/obrashchenie_s_magnitami.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????...
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Posted 2016-05-11 6:58 AM (#211292 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young online shop exclusive of the articles
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Magnetik.com.ua - ????? ??????? ??????????? ?????????.

?????????, ??? ?? ?? ????...
??? ?? ???????), ?????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ????????-???????? magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ?????? ???????.
? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ?????. ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ??? 1102 ???????? Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ???????????? ??????? ????? ? ?.?..
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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ??4?-5030, ?????????? ?????? ???????, ?????? ????????????, yag ?????.
???? ????? ? ????!

?.: +38-095-227-27-52, +38-093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/klasiffikaya_opasnosti_lazerov.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? magnitik...
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Posted 2016-05-11 7:11 PM (#211294 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: ?????? ?????????? ?? 500+ ????? ?????????? ?? 500 ???!
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????? ???? ?????????? ?? 500 ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????. ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????. ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ????????. ????????? ?????????? ?????????.
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Posted 2016-05-13 6:28 PM (#211301 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: ?????? ?????????? ?? 500+ ????? ?????????? ?? 500 ???!
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????? ???? ?????????? ?? 500 ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????. ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????. ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ????????. ????????? ?????????? ?????????.
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Posted 2016-05-22 9:53 PM (#211361 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: ?????? ?????????? ?? 500+ ????? ?????????? ?? 500 ???!
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????? ???? ?????????? ?? 500 ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????. ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????. ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ????????. ????????? ?????????? ?????????.
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Posted 2016-05-25 6:32 AM (#211405 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: ?????? ?????????? ?? 500+ ????? ?????????? ?? 500 ???!
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????? ???? ?????????? ?? 500 ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????. ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????. ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ????????. ????????? ?????????? ?????????.
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Posted 2016-05-25 10:01 AM (#211412 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: ?????? ?????????? ?? 500+ ????? ?????????? ?? 500 ???!
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????? ???? ?????????? ?? 500 ????? ?????????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????. ?????? ?????????? ????? ?? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ? ?????????? ????. ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ????????. ????????? ?????????? ?????????.
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Posted 2016-05-28 3:47 AM (#211425 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young on-line project modern of commodities of the future
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Magnetik.com.ua - ????? ??????? ??????????? ????????.

?????? ?????????? )))
????????? ?? ????????????, ??????? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ????????-???????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ???????? ????????.
? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ?????????????. ???????????? ???????????? ????????????? ??? 800 Police ? ?????? ??? ??????????, ???????????? ???????. ??????????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ???????? Police ? ??? ????? ???? ???????????.
???????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????. ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????. ????????????? ??????. ?????????????? ??????????????. ???? ????? ?????????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ??? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? - ??????? ??? ??????? ???????????.
?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ???????????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??????????? - ???????????? police bl 1101.
?????? ? ?????? ?????? ???????? - ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????? - ?????? ???????? ??????.

? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??-2,5, ?????? ?????????? ?????? ? ?????, ???????????? ??????, ????? ?????.

?.: +38095-227-27-52, 38-067-864-48-25, 38-093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker_cobra_1106_pro.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????...
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Posted 2016-06-04 10:33 AM (#211468 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing shop in the internet necessary commodities
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Magnetik.com.ua - ????????-??????? ???????????? ?????.

???? ??????!
??? ?? ???????), ??????????????? ??????????? ???????? ????????-???????? magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ?????? ?????????.
? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ?????????????. ???????? ???????????? ????????????? ??? 958 Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ????????. ??????????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ???????????? ????? ? ??? ????? ???? ???????????.
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?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ????? - ?????? ???????.
?????? ? ?????? ?????????? - ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????? - ????? 1102 police scorpion ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ???????? - ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????? - ?????? ???????? ??????.

? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? 100, ?????? ????????? ??????, ??? ????????????, ??? ?????? ???????? ??????.
???. ???????.

?.: +38-067-864-48-25. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/ehkonomiya_topliva_expander.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????...
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Posted 2016-06-09 9:30 AM (#211483 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing chain store exclusive of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

Magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ? ????????? ???????????? ?????.

??????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????
????????? ?? ????????????, ??????????????? ???????? ?????? ????????-???????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ?????? ???????.
? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????. ?????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ??? 800 Police ? ?????? ??? ???????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ????????? ?????????? ???? Energetix ? ?????? ??????.
???????? ?? ??????? ??????????. ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????. ??????. ?????????????? ??????????????. ???? ????? ???????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????????? - ??? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? - ?????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???????? ????.
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??????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????? ???-1?, ??????? ?????????? ???????, ???????????? ???, ?????? ???????? ??????.

?.: +38-093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/interesnye-fakty-o-energetix.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????...
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Posted 2016-06-15 9:14 AM (#211521 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing shop in a network original of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

Magnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? ?????????????? ??????????????.

???? ??????!
??????????, ??????????????? ???????? ?????? ????????-???????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ?????? ?????.
? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ???????. ?????????????? ???????????? ?????? ??? 1101 ?????? Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ????????. ??????????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????? ?????????. ? ????? ??????? ??????? ? ??? ????? ???? ???????????.
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?????? ? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? Metron, ?????? ??? ???????????????, ???????????? ?????, green laser.
??????? ?????????.

?.: +38095-227-27-52, 38-067-864-48-25, 38-093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-scorpion-1102.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????...
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Posted 2016-06-16 3:13 AM (#211526 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing shop in the internet rare of things
Quote Reply

Magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ? ????????? "?????????" ?????.

???????? ???? ????????.
??????????, ???????? ??????????? ?????? ????????-???????? ????????.???.?? - ??????? ???????????? ???????.
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???????? ?? ??????? ??????????. ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ??????. ?????. ?????????????? ??????????????. ???? ????? ???????!

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? ??? ???? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??? 2302 ??? ?2, ?????? ??????, ?????? ????????????, ?????? ????? ? ?????.

?.: 095-227-27-52. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/lazernye-ukazki-video.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????...
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Posted 2016-06-24 2:21 AM (#211569 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: New online store shopping rare commodities
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? ???????????? ? ????? ???? ???????? ??????.

??? ?? ???????, ?? ??? ??...
???? ?? ??????, ??????????????? ???????? ?????? ?????????????? ????? http://www.magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ??????????? ????????.
? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????-??????-??? ??? ?????? ???????? ????? ???????. ???????? ??????????? ?????? ZZ 1108 Titan 2016 ???? ??????? ? ?????? ??? ????? ????????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ?????????? ?????? Bailong Police ? ?????? ?????? ??????? ? ????? ???????? ? ????????? ?????????? ???????.
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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????, ????? ??????, ?????? ?????? police, ????? ????? ??????.
??????? ?????????.

?.: 093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????...
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Posted 2016-06-26 1:16 AM (#211577 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young online shop exclusive of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? ????????????? ???????.

??????? ??????? ????? ????!
???? ??? ?? ???????? ?????, ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? www.MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????.
? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ??????? ??? "?????????" ????????? ?????????????. ?????????????? ???????????? ????????????? Touch Taser 1111 Scorpion ? ????????????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ????????? ????? 958 PRO ? ?????? ? ????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????.
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?? ?????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? Minkor, ????????? ?????? ????, ???????? ????????????, ???????? ?????.
???? ????? ? ????!

?.: 067-864-48-25, 093-815-74-28. - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-type-800-pro.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-06-29 11:31 PM (#211586 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Developing online store shopping modern of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????? ??????? "???????" ???????? ?????????.

??????? ???? ???!
??????????, ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ????? http://www.magnetik.com.ua - ????????-??????? "?????????" ???????.
? ????? ????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? "?????????? ??????" ???????? ????? ???????. ????????????? ???????????? ?????????? WS 1108 ????? PRO ? ????????????? ? ?????? ??? ??????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? 475 ?? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ?????? 1000??? 532?? 1W ? ????? ???? ??? ? ????? ?????? ???????? ??????????? ??????????? ???????.
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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ???-5028??, ??????? ?????? ????, ??????? ????????????, ??????? ????? ??????.
???? ????? ? ????!
?.: 095-227-27-52 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-type-800.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ???????? - ??????? ?????? ???????????? ? ????? ???? ????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-06-30 7:47 AM (#211587 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Developing shop original of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????????-??????? ?????? ?????????.

? ???? ???????????.
??? ?? ???????), ??????????????????? ???????????? ?????????????? ????? ????????.???.?? - ??????????? ???????? "???????" ???????? ??????.
? ????? ????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????? ??????? NdFeB ??? ???????????? ????????? ????. ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? Extrahigh Voltage 105 ? ????????????? ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ???????. ??????????? ???????? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ????????? "????????? ??????" ? ??? ????? ???? ? ????? ????? ???????? ??????????? ???????.
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?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ???????? - ???????????? ????????????? ??? ?????????? - ????? 1101.
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?? ?????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???, ?????? ??????, ???????????? 618 type, ?????? ??????? ?????.
???? ????!
?.: 0952272752, 0678644825, 0938157428 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/ehkonomiya-topliva-expander.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? Magnetik Com Ua - ???????? ?????? ??????????? ????????? ???????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-06-30 11:42 AM (#211589 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing the internet shop necessary of gadgets
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ?????? ??????? ????????? ?????????.

???????????? ??????!
???? ??? ????? ???????????, ??????????????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ????????-???????? Magnetik.com.ua - ????????-??????? ??????????? ???????.
? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? "?????????" ???????? ????? ????. ???????? ???????????? ?????????? ZZ 1111 Scorpion Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ??????? ???????? police ? ????? ???? ??? ? ????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ?????.
??????????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???????????? ????????? ? ??. ?????? ????? ??????? ?????. ??????????? ???????/???????? ????? ?????. ???? ????? ????????!

?????? ? ?????? ???????? - ??? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ?????? ??????.
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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????? A1-G4, ????????? ??????, ??? ??????? ????????????, ?? ???????? ??????.
???? ??????? ?? ????????.
?.: +38-095-227-27-52 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/sinyaya-lazernaya-ukazka-2w.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ???????? - ????-??????? ?????????? ????????????? ?????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-01 11:10 AM (#211593 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Developing chain store irreplaceable) commodities
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????? ??????? ??????????? ????????.

??? ?? ???????, ?? ??? ??...
????????? ?? ????????????, ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????-????? www.MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? ?????? ????????????? ???????.
? ????? ????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ????????? ????? ???????????? ??????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ????. ?????????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? JSJ 800 Taser Touch ????? ? ?????? ??? ????????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ???????? "?????? ??????????" ? ????? ???? ??? ? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???????.
???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???????????? ????????? ? ??. ???????? ??????. ??????????? ????????-??????. ???? ????? ????????? ?? ????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ??????? ?????????? ????.
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??????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ???????? ??-15, ??? ??????? ??????, police 1108, ???????? ??????.
???? ??????? ?? ????????.
?.: +3-8-0-9-5-2-2-7-2-7-5-2, +3-8-0-6-7-8-6-4-4-8-2-5, +3-8-0-9-3-8-1-5-7-4-2-8 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/zelenaya-lazernaya-ukazka-1000mw.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????.???.?? - ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-02 5:00 AM (#211596 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: New simply shop necessary of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ????????.

?? ?????? ???????)
????????? ?? ????????????, ?????????????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ??????? http://www.magnetik.com.ua - ???????? ??????? ?????????? ????????.
? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ?????. ?????? ???????????? ??????? ?????? WS 1108 Titan ???????-????? ? ?????? ??? ????? ????????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ???????? ???????????? ? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ???????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ???????.
????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ??. ?????? ?? ?????. ?????????????? ??????????????. ????? ????? ????? ???????!

?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ?????? ?? ??????? ???????.
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???? ??????? ?? ????????.
?.: +38095-227-27-52, 38-067-864-48-25, 38-093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/sinyaya-lazernaya-ukazka-1w.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ???????? ??? ?? - ??????? ??????? ??????????? ???????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-03 1:50 AM (#211600 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: New on-line project important of gadgets
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? ??????????? ???????.

? ???? ???????????.
??? ?? ???????), ??????? ?????? ????????? ?????????????? ????-???????? magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ??????????? ?????????? ????????.
? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? "?????????" ???????? ????? ?????????????. ??????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? JSJ 1111 Scorpion Power ? ?????? ??? ??????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? 650 ?? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ???????? ????? ????? ?????? 1.5?? 450?? ? ?????? ?????? ? ????? ????????-????? ???????????) ??????????? ?????.
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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ???-5020, ??????? ?????????, ???????????? ?? ??????????, ???????? ????.
?.: +38-093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? Magnetik - ???????? ??????? ??????? ?????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-07 9:57 AM (#211666 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing online shop useful of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ?????? ??????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????.

???? ??????!
??? ?? ???????), ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ??????? ? ????????? ???????? ?????.
? ????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ?? ??????? ????? ??????????? ??????? ??????-??????-??? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????????????. ????????? ???????????? ?????????? Ultra 1108 ????? PRO ???????-????? ? ?????? ??? ????? ????????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? 532 ?? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ????????? ??????? ????? ? ??? ????? ???? ? ????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ????.
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?????? ? ?????? ?????? - ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ?????????? ?????? ??????? ????.
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??????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? Gross, ?????? ???????, ??????? ????????????, ???????? ?????? ???????.
??????? ?? ????????.
?.: +38-095-227-27-52, +38-067-864-48-25, +38-093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/sinyaya-lazernaya-ukazka-1w.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????? - ??????? ?????? ??????????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-09 11:20 AM (#211685 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing simply shop necessary of gadgets
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???????? ??????? ???????? ???????.

??????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????.
???? ??? ?? ???????? ?????, ?????????? ????????? ??????????? ????? ????????.???.?? - ????-??????? ??????????? "????????? ???????".
? ????? ????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ??? "??????????" ???????? ????? ???????. ?????? ??????? ???????? ??????????? ZZ 1111 Scorpion ???????-????? ? ?????? ??? ????????????, ???????????? ???????. ??????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ?????? ???????? police ? ????? ???? ??? ? ????? ??????? ???????? ???????????? ????????? ???????.
?????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ? ??. ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??????. ?????. ???? ????? ?????????!

?????? ? ?????? ?????? - ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??????? - ?????????? ?????? ???? ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ???????????? ????????????? ??? ??????????? - ???????????? ????? 1108.
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? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????????? ??200-S6(S8, S10, R5), ?????? ?????? ??????, ???? ?? ?????????????, ????? ???????.
??????? ?? ????????.
?.: 095-227-27-52, 067-864-48-25, 093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/sposoby-primeneniya-magnitov.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? magnetikcomua - ????????-???? ?????????????? ????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-09 10:43 PM (#211695 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Young shop in a network modern of gadgets
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???????? ?????? ???????????? ????????.

??????????? ????!
????????? ?? ????????????, ???????? ????????? ???????? ?????????????? ???????? ???????? www.MaGnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? ?????????? ????????.
? ????? ????????-????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????? ????. ??????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? JSJ XV 800 ? ????????????? ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ?????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ? ?????? ? ????? ????????-???????? "???????" ????????????? ?????.
???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????????? ? ??. ?????? ????? ??????? ?????. ?????????? ???????? ??????. ???? ????? ?????????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????????? - ??????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ??????? - ?????? ?????????? ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ??????????? ?????? ??? ?????? - ?????? ???????????.
?????? ? ?????? ???????? - ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ????????????? ??????? ????????? - ???????? ?????? ??????.

? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??????, ?????? ?? ???????, ?????????? ?????????????, ??? ??????? ?????.
???? ????? ? ????!
?.: 38095-227-27-52, 38067-864-48-25, 38093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-type-800-pro.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????-???-?? - ????? ??????? ???????????? ????????? ???????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-18 4:33 AM (#211766 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young online shop rare commodities
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???????? ??????? ???????????? ???????.

??????? ??????? ????? ????!
???? ?? ??????, ??????????????????? ???????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????? ????????.???.?? - ???? ??????????? ?????????.
? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ????? ????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ???????. ???????????? ???????????? "???????????? ????? ? ?????)" Power 118 Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ??????? ? ?????? ? ????? ????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ????????.
?????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ? ??. ?????? ????? ??????? ?????. ???????? ?????? ? ???? ??????. ? ???????? ????? ????????? ?????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????? ????? - ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????????????? - ?????? ?????? ???????.
?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ???????????? ????????????? ??? ?????? - ?????????? ??????.
?????? ? ?????? ????????? - ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? - ???????? ?????? ??????.

?????? ? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? GROSS MTK-UA, ?????????? ??????? ?????????, ?????? ?????? police, ???????? ?????? ??????.
???? ??????? ?? ????????.
?.: +38-093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/zelenaya-lazernaya-ukazka-8w.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? Magnitik - ???? ????????? ??????????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-18 8:36 AM (#211768 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: New shop in the internet important of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????? ??????? ?????? ????????.

??????? ?????? ?????? ????????.
???? ?? ??????, ?????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????? ????????_???_?? - ???? ?????????? ????????.
? ????? ??????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????. ??????????? ????????? ???????????? Taser XS 800 ??? ? ?????? ??? ??????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? 475 ?? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?????? 8?? 532?? ? ?.?. ? ????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????????????.
???????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ???????????? ? ??. ?????? ????? ??????? ?????. ???????????? ?? ????? ??-???? 24/7/365. ????? ????? ????? ????????!

?????? ? ?????? ???? - ?????????? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ???? - ??????? ??? ????????? ???? ????.
?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ???????????? ?????? ??? ?????? - ?????????????.
?????? ? ?????? ?????? - ?????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????????? - ???????????? ????? ??????.

? ??? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? Samgaz, ?????? ??? ???????? ????, ?????????? ?????????????, ???????? ?????? ????.
????????? ?? ????????.
?.: 095-227-27-52, 093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-scorpion-1102.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ????????-???-?? - ????????-??????? ?????? "????????? ???????"...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-19 1:18 AM (#211779 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young the internet shop necessary of wares
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? "??????????????" ?????????.

?? ?????? ???????)
??? ?? ???????), ??????? ?????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????? ???????? magnetik.com.ua - ???? ?????? "????????? ???????".
? ????? ???????? ???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?????????????? ????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????. ????????? ??????? ?????????? Power 1101 Police PRO Police ? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????, ???????????? ??????. ??????????? 450 ?? ?????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????????? 1?? 405?? ? ??? ????? ???? ? ????? ???????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????? ?????.
?????????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ?????????? ? ??. ?????? ????? ??????? ?????. ?????? ?? E-mail edik4550@yandex.ru. ????? ????? ????? ?????!

?????? ? ?????? ??????? - ?????????? ?? ???????? ????? - ??????? ??? ??????? ???????? ??????????.
?????? ? ?????? ???????? - ????????? ????????????? ??? ?????? - ??????????.
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? ??? ???? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ????-1.111, ????????? ??????, ???????????? ?????, ???????? ?????? ???????.
?.: +3-8-0-9-5-2-2-7-2-7-5-2, +3-8-0-6-7-8-6-4-4-8-2-5, +3-8-0-9-3-8-1-5-7-4-2-8 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/fonariki-police-bailong.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? magnetikcomua - ???????? ??????? ?????????? ??????????? ????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-25 11:08 PM (#211874 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing the internet shop useful of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???? ???????????? ???????? ??????.

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????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ????? ??-??05?1, ?????? ??????, ???????????? oca 801, ??????.
???. ???????.
?.: +38-095-227-27-52 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/raznovidnosti-lazernyh-ukazok.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? magnitik - ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ?????...
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Posted 2016-07-26 1:19 AM (#211875 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Young shop in the internet exclusive of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???????? ??????? ?????? ???????.

???? ??????!
???? ??? ?? ???????? ?????, ??????????????? ??????????? ?????????????? ????? www.MaGnetik.com.ua - ????????-???? ???????????? ?????????? ????????.
? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ?????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ????????? ???????. ???????????? ????????? ????????????? HW 800 ???????-????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????, ???????????? ?????. ??????????? 450 ?? ???????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ? ??????. ? ????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ??????? Expander ? ?????? ?????? ??????? ? ????? ?????-???????? ??????????? ???????.
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?? ?????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ???, ????????? ??????? ??????, ???????????? ??? 800 ??????, ?????? ???????? ????.
?.: 067-864-48-25, 093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/kak-kupit-tovar-i-oformit-zakaz.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ??????? - ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ??????????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-31 1:38 PM (#211889 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing online shop exclusive commodities
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? ? ????????? ?????? ????????.

?????? ?????????? )))
??????????, ???????? ?????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? "???????" ????????????? ?????.
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? ????? ????????-???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? B-meters, ?????? ??? ????, ????????????? ? ???????, ???????? ?????? 1000 ??? ??????.
?.: 095-227-27-52, 067-864-48-25 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/krasnaya-lazernaya-ukazka-1w.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? ??????? ???????? - ????????-???? ????????????? ???????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-07-31 11:53 PM (#211892 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Young online store shopping exceptional of things
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ???????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????.

? ???? ???????????.
??? ?? ???????), ???????? ????????? ???????? ??????????? ????????-???????? www.magnetik.com.ua - ???????? ??????? ????????? ????????.
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?.: 095-227-27-52 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-scorpion-1102.html

P.S.: ?, ?????????? ???????????! ????? ???, ?? ???????? ??? ????. ????????? ????? ??? ??????????.
? ????????? magnitik - ??????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ????????...
Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-08-04 1:50 AM (#211916 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Young chain store necessary of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? ??????????? ????????.

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?.: 067-864-48-25, 093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/magnity-na-schetchiki-sveta.html

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Posted 2016-08-04 3:50 AM (#211917 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: New on-line project irreplaceable) of gifts
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????????? ???????? ??????????? ???????.

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?.: +38-095-227-27-52, +38-067-864-48-25, +38-093-815-74-28 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/zelenaya-lazernaya-ukazka-10w.html

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Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-08-16 11:03 PM (#212181 - in reply to #142338)
Subject: Developing shop in the internet necessary of commodities of the future
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ??????? ? ????????? ???????????? ???????.

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Top of the page Bottom of the page
Posted 2016-08-17 1:00 AM (#212190 - in reply to #211292)
Subject: Young shop in the internet necessary of the articles
Quote Reply

MaGnetik.com.ua - ????-??????? ????????? ??????? ????????.

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?.: +38-095-227-27-52, +38-067-864-48-25 - http://www.magnetik.com.ua/shoker-805-105-verona.html

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Posted 2016-10-19 9:01 PM (#214692 - in reply to #211569)
Subject: jlgg
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Posted 2017-01-12 5:47 AM (#218406 - in reply to #211768)
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Posted 2017-02-08 11:12 PM (#219353 - in reply to #142338)
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Posted 2017-02-19 11:52 AM (#219646 - in reply to #142338)
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