to whisper if I come in here because it's so quiet today. I'd like to share a photo of a beautiful bird that almost didn't survive in it's "matter" body because one of my cats caught it and brought it into my atrium. Between my husband and I we saved it from the cats and photo'd it so I could get a good look at it's face. Isn't that a gorgeous face? I've been spending time going through old posts that I missed way back when... and realized I must have quit posting in 2002. That's a long time. I think once the board went private that is when I didn't post anymore and also realized that, the time it went private is when so many new names cropped up that I didn't recognize when I would come here and get the transcripts. I was very busy with work and a new grandchild and lots of family dramas and now, looking back, it seems so very long ago.