Posts: 5954
        Location: Portland Ore | It does not say to not judge. It is more about what you are judging the person or the act. If you judge let your judgement be righteous and true. I believe we are judging constantly that which is true and that which is false. To me true judgement is what the Holy Spirit function is.That is whay they calle the Holy Spirit the "Thought Adjuster." It sorts out the true from the false and the real from the unreal because the Holy Spirit can, your own right mind and as the capacity to recognize what is real from what is unreal. I do not believe in judging a person as all, but I do believe in judging his action or his behavior, if it is true or not. I do not believe holding one's behavior against another or judging a person for his or her behavior. To me judgement is a decision, the question might me what is the decision and is the decision true.