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Random quote: You can't have unity with God by leaving your brother out. - Raj |
TRANSCRIPT & AUDIO 02-18-2012 Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1 [60 messages per page] | View previous thread :: View next thread |
General Discussion -> Transcripts & Audio 2011-2012 | Message format |
Trish |
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Location: The Kingdom of Heaven |
February 18th 2012
Good evening. And welcome to everyone who’s joining us on the Internet. Two different titles for this new section:
“Dreams and the Body” better express the topic—the subject of this next section. “Beyond the Body” allows you to hear what you want to hear rather than impelling you in the direction of hearing the truth. Beyond the body makes it sound as though, when you move beyond the body, you leave the body behind. It becomes non-existent. It becomes nothing. It becomes useless, meaningless and so on. You could just as easily say, behind the body. What’s behind the body? What gives rise to the body? Or, you could say, underneath, or underlying the body. Those words are a little bit better than beyond. The general belief is that you die and you escape the body and that therefore is probably the spiritually correct definition of “Beyond the Body” . . . and it’s not! Body is what you call, “form.” It is what I call the visibility and tangibility of ideas in the Mind of God or the Movement of which constitutes Creation. You see? It’s the visibility and tangibility of ideas—Creation is. The Kingdom of Heaven is the visibility and tangibility of the Movement of Creation, which is another way of saying, the Movement of the Mind of God. Now this past week I shared with Paul a phrase, which I want to share with everyone else now: The Movement of Creation is written on your Mind. It’s not written on space and time. It’s written on your Mind. It is illuminated in your conscious awareness. Now before you said, “Father I’d rather do it myself. Father, I’d rather give the definitions,” you experienced the Kingdom of Heaven, you experienced Creation as a conscious experience of Being that was infinite because you are the Creation of the Father Who withheld nothing of what He was or is from you. And therefore, your conscious awareness is as infinite as the infinite Mind of God. And before you got your divorce, you experienced it as a conscious experience. You experienced everything—the things, the visibility and tangibility of Creation—as constituted of the substance of Spirit. Not matter. And it wasn’t until you got the divorce—reversed the situation, became god yourself—by saying, “I’m going to take over Your job, Father, and I’m going to be the definer of everything,” when you did that, the experience of Spirit as the substance of ideas, became matter—the substance of the physical universe governed not by the laws of God, but by the laws of physics which you and everyone else proceeded to make up. You see? Now that is what everyone is in the process of disengaging from. That interpretation placed upon that which was already perfectly the Kingdom of Heaven in which all form—the body of a tree, the body of a car, we’ll say, the body of your hand and so on—the body of everything was Spirit and the things were the things of Creation. The things were the presence of the Father as Mind. And you as the direct expression of the infinite presence of Mind, had the infinite presence of Mind that was not insane. And you grasped, you felt, you were deeply imbued with the consciousness of truth—the truth about everything. And you knew that you were the place, so to speak, in which Creation was occurring because you are the Mind in which all of the ideas were being experienced. There was no confusion. And it’s the return to that that all of you are engaged in. Now, going to the book:
. . . Reality . . .
You see? The Mind of God moved. And God experienced the Movement. And God saw the Movement and called it “Good,” recognized it to be Himself—Self-recognition, wholeness, completeness. And in that completeness, you Were . . . all of His Sons and Daughters of God Were, if I may put it that way. Now God created only this and He did not depart from it. He didn’t alter it, He didn’t play with it and change it around and rearrange it and treat it as though it were something separate from Him, which was manipulatable. You see? He saw everything that He had made and behold: Verily, verily, it was God—it was Himself. And He experienced the truth of it. And you don’t play with truth. There is no need. Truth is to be felt and experienced and I’m going to say, infinitely, eternally enjoyed. And because God is the Movement of Mind, Creation is ever unfolding, if I may put it that way. And the truth of it is experienced by God and you, because God and you are the Movement of God along with everything else in Creation. And the truth of it is there to be experienced. And it’s your Birthright . . . I’m going to say, your duty, your obligation, your Birthright to be experiencing it. When I say it’s your duty and obligation, it only has meaning if you’re in the process of abandoning other definitions that you’ve given everything and coming back into your right Mind. And so, because of what you divinely Are, in spite of the fact that you’re ignoring who you divinely Are, you do have an internal obligation and motivation and impulse to come back into your right Mind and experience the truth about you and about everything which is, there is nothing outside you.
. . . Creation in Movement . . .
. . . even though he’s pretended that he has, and has convinced himself that he has and fights for the right to see the Kingdom of Heaven—the ideas of God, the substance of which is Spirit—as the material universe governed by the laws of matter, physics, which have not the eternal properties of Life and Love, but of sin, sickness and death.
. . . except in his imagination.
. . . in time and space . . .
But what is important to understand is, that although Heaven is not a place, it doesn’t mean that everything you’re experiencing which seems to be in a place, is not the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s some sort of illusion. No . . . the illusion is the tweak or bias that you’ve applied to the Kingdom of Heaven by virtue of insisting upon looking at it independently and making up the definitions yourself. And that causes the Kingdom of Heaven to seem to be different from and in opposition to the Kingdom of Heaven. Very simple.
. . . the Kingdom of Heaven is . . .
You see? What’s within the Kingdom of Heaven must be only that which is the Mind of God moving as the infinite conscious experience of Being. That is the Movement of Creation and that is the Kingdom of Heaven. Nothing else can be in It. And when you have all imagined things and created definitions, it would seem that you have brought those into the Kingdom of Heaven, but you haven’t because nothing else can be there actually, except what God is Being, except what the infinite Movement of the infinite Mind of God is Being. That’s all that can be in It. And there’s nothing else outside of that even though you seem to think you have created things on your own and you know what things are without checking with the Father, without the benefit of Revelation, insight and ultimate healing. And you’re crazy. You are experiencing everything falsely.
In the creation of you, what could be brought into play other than the constituting Presence of God? Nothing. God can give nothing but knowledge of Himself, manifestation of Himself, evidence of Himself, the visibility and tangibility of Himself. And God is Spirit. And God is Mind. And God is Love. And God is Truth. And God is Principle. And God is Soul. And God is Spirit.
You could say that God has invested Himself in His Creation. But it doesn’t mean that like a potter, He has invested Himself in the creation of a particular pot—something different from Him—that He can fire in a kiln and put on display and sell. You see? God gives knowledge of Himself. God expresses Himself and God is the Expression. God is what is in the embodiment. God is what is behind the embodiment. God is what underlies the embodiment. God is what is beyond the embodiment. But again, that doesn’t feel the same does it? Beyond sounds like separate. You want to know what comes before the embodiment. And that’s the subject. That means that the embodiment is not the subject. But it doesn’t make the embodiment unreal. That’s key. That’s important. Now . . .
. . . You see? The awareness of Heaven was something you had when you weren’t imagining that there was some place else to be . . . or something else to be there that you could initiate—bring into existence—and make real. And you had it all . . . all of what the Father was Being at the moment when you decided to get a divorce, was your conscious experience of Being. And you were sane and you were Awake and you were fulfilling your function as that which acknowledges the truth about Creation, feels the truth about it, knows the truth about it and finds no occasion for challenging it. But . . .
. . . your sanity . . .
. . . and suddenly, you’re in a material universe where sin, sickness and death, where deterioration and decay, I believe it’s called, “entropy” occurs. It’s an inevitable and fundamental element of life. NO, IT’S NOT! So, it . . .
Why? Because you said, “I’m Fatherless. I’m an orphan. I choose not to acknowledge a Source beyond or different from myself as I am experiencing myself without my sanity.” You gave up your identity. By becoming Fatherless, you became unidentifiable. You had no heritage, you had no Birthright, being Sourceless, you became as meaningless as a lamp that’s not plugged into the socket. So it cost you the awareness of Heaven and the loss of your identity.
Think about it. Think about what I’ve shared with you about what Creation actually is, and what the Kingdom of Heaven actually is, and what it’s your function to engage in relative to it. In other words, to be the conscious awareness of it, as what it actually is, which, if I may put it this way, keeps you synchronous with your Source so that nothing is entering into your conscious experience except the truth about what the Father is Being so that you’re fulfilling your function of acknowledging and glorifying God. And in that, you are being co-creators with God . . . something it is impossible for you to be as an independent agent.
Not because it’s not real, but because that’s not its purpose. Every idea of God, whether it’s what you call your body or your hand or a tree or any aspect of Creation, it’s real but it does not have the capacity to do anything of itself, to become guilty for. All it can be is the presence of what God is manifesting right there and be the present expression of it, an expression that does indeed constitute a communication—a conveyance of Meaning—because the all- knowing Mind represented by every single one in the Brotherhood and Sisterhood as well as every created thing, that infinite communication and receipt of, I’m going to say, Knowledge, but the experience of Knowing the truth about each thing, that is your function. That makes what you’re experiencing real. But when you got your divorce, when you said, “I want to make up the rules, I want to define everything,” you did what? You brought into this experience fear and the guilt. And the fear and the guilt are intolerable. And so, what you did was you displaced it on Creation, which no longer seems like Creation to you. Now suddenly, it’s “matter” governed by the laws of physics, where entropy dominates, where sin, disease and death are inevitable. You see? Awful. You don’t think you did that. Why do you live in fear? Why are you not surprised if there are accidents? Why are you not surprised when a tree dies? Why are you not surprised when a hurricane seems to cause destruction? Because you think you live in a hostile world, a hostile universe, which for some reason has enough positive life-affirming characteristics to continue in spite of the conflict. You see? And so there’s always something potentially worth being frightened about or concerned about . . . or uneasy about. And so you live with tension and ulcers and high blood pressure. And why doesn’t that surprise you? Because you have made everything that’s not you, the object of your guilt. “It” is what you blame. “It” is the problem. You see?
Um…really? Well what about all the pressures that cause the magma to rise and finally burst out on a volcano and come down on Pompeii and other cities and destroy and kill? Yeah, you’re right . . . something’s wrong. And it’s time to right the wrong. It’s time to have the shift in consciousness where you are no longer a mind inside a body looking out at a world and universe that’s outside the body to the place where you’re recognizing that “there is nothing outside you.” Now, obviously that can’t mean there’s nothing outside your body. The definition of “you” must be something different. There is nothing outside the conscious awareness of Being that you Are even though you are misunderstanding and misdefining your Mind. You say it’s the result of nerve-endings and synapsis and the movement of electrical currents through a hunk of matter called “a brain” and that’s why you think and that’s why you are conscious. Well, you might as well say that everything you’re experiencing is being created by a hunk of matter inside a head. And there still isn’t any reality “out there.” It’s all a physical illusion caused by electricity moving through meat. I mean, really!
. . . wait a minute, I hear someone saying, “I don’t hate my body.” Well, are you afraid of what it will do if you go into a ward of a hospital where there are highly communicable diseases present? Oh-h, would you do that? Would you stand out in the middle of a freeway in a heavily trafficked lane? No, because you’re afraid of what might happen to your body and what it might do—it might cease to function . . . this physical thing that it is. You think that makes you happy? You think that your fear of death is not a manifestation of the hate you have for your body? Your distrust of it is hateful. It’s not love. It’s not harmonizing. It doesn’t lower your blood pressure, even from a physical standpoint. It increases it. It’s unhealthy. If you fear your body, if you fear what it may do when you get old, then you’re not happy with your body, you’re just ignoring your distress with it. But the fact is, that you do hate your body and you will hate it until you come to that point where you’re willing to make that shift of consciousness from body identification, world identification, to Mind identification . . . and my movement of my hand indicating the head and using the word “Mind” is not good. It doesn’t represent the truth. Conscious awareness is a definition-less, boundary-less experience in which infinity is experienced.
Your mind would remain separate from your partner’s mind. Your mind would remain separate from my mind. Your mind would stay separate from the Mind of God. That’s the goal. Those are the ground rules. That’s the starting point and ending point. And that’s why it’s insanity. It’s insanity because it’s the ridiculous idea that the Mind of God can be confused and insane. And it’s impossible. And it’s that belief what we’re engaged in undoing.
We’ve said before, there are no private thoughts.
“Well, my mind is functioning inside my brain and your mind is functioning inside your brain. And you take your brain with you to New York and I take my brain with me to San Francisco. They’re not in the same place.” So the characteristics of the body are used to define the characteristics of the mind and seem to make it separate. And yet many of you have had one or more experiences in the quietness, knowing what was going on with someone else or being aware of a need when there was no physical communication of the need. And you were able to respond in a way that saved a life or made a significant difference. All of you have experienced at times the boundarylessness of minds and the inseparability in mind of you from your Brothers and Sisters. It’s a simple fact the definition applied to the mind that starts with the current definitions of the body—although you swear by them—are false. Dare to look at it. Don’t be bound by an illusion. Don’t be committed to an illusion.
Unless 0ccasionally you dare to pray and get an answer. But we’ll leave it like this for now.
. . . again, that which came into existence when you got your divorce and decided to be independent.
And it can create fantasies that interprets on occasion that the body is acting them out when it isn’t, or that it will act out by picking up a virus, a very virulent virus and suffer and die very quickly.
You see? I’m going to tell you something: If you were to begin to look at your world and you were willing to consider that your world is innocent and is actually the Kingdom of Heaven reflecting the nature and character and Being of God, you would be withdrawing your judgment, you would be withdrawing your projection of guilt upon it. And what, the world would change? No, you would find that the communication of all the ideas of God that are rendered visible and tangible in Creation, would be communicated to you, because their communication is . . . their purpose is to communicate their reason for Being, to communicate their Meaning, because nothing in the Kingdom of Heaven is held separate in any way from any other part of Creation. Now that’s what would happen. But that would undo the dream wouldn’t it? And it’s still very important for you to believe that you have autonomy, that you can be an independent agent, that you can create, that you can control. That’s very important to you. And so, if you were actually to begin to be willing to look at your world and find it innocent of the things you imagined it to be and that you were confident that it would do, your ego would become very frightened and would increase the definitions of guilt applied to your world. And you would find your world . . . you would find yourself experiencing greater fear about your world. You would find the world to be less dependable than it had been before and therefore more frightening, and that would keep you busy defending yourself to maintain your independence. You see? So:
Understand this. Because as you engage in the process of Awakening, as you engage in the holy instant and you begin to acknowledge the world and universe as innocent—as not being governed by laws of physics, where entropy is an absolute given—you will find yourself being challenged. You will find the ego trying to frighten you more, to project the false characterization of you that you’re employing. I’m sorry, this is me Paul, I lost it . . . Raj: The point is: Don’t be surprised as you begin to practice the holy instant to find that the fear of the world in you will increase. Why? Because it’s your way of not having to abandon your authority, your integrity that comes from a well developed integrity and authority of you in your own right. Making the world scarier causes you to withdraw your willingness to see it as innocent, to see it as though it might actually be the Kingdom of Heaven, that it actually might be constituted of the substance of Spirit instead of the substance of matter and that instead of being governed by the laws of physics, it’s where God’s laws prevail and only God’s laws prevail, because only God is what is present in the Movement of Creation, including you. Again:
Again, to be clear: The way it projects guilt upon it is by making it seem more fearful to you, more threatening to you, therefore, calling for you to engage in defense against some part of the Kingdom of Heaven which is intent upon and only capable of communicating its divine Meaning to all of Creation including you—to be received, not rejected by you.
. . . increasing projecting of guilt on the world . . .
. . . what mind? Well, the mind of the orphan, the independent mind that has denied its Source and lost its recognition of its union with God and its function of co-creating with God. You see?
Now that doesn’t just mean to hurt the body that you call your arms, legs, torso, head, feet and so on, it means that it uses what it does to hurt all of Creation, hurt it by misunderstanding it, misdefining it and judging it according to the incorrect definition, ending up hating it, denying its meaning, relegating it to illusion when it’s something actual to be embraced and experienced as what it truly Is.
. . . through imagination.
. . . which you call your body or the world by incorrectly defining it and defending itself against the world.
Again, any part of Creation, any aspect of the visibility and tangibility of Creation, although . . .
The use of imagination changes nothing, and does not alter your right Mind’s capacity to connect with you and illumine in you your true awareness of what everything really Is.
What body? The body seen by the one who got the divorce. It was made through the lens of fear and guilt. And so the definitions always involved some element of negativity that called for self-protection against it. You see? The definitions given were not made by love, were not made by joining with the Father to see what Reality is really being right there where you are insisting a material universe is functioning.
Why can the body be used that way? Because it’s really the visibility and tangibility of God and so it can be used while you’re still entertaining false definitions of it to keep your attention where transformation of your mind can occur and, as a result, because you’re looking at the Kingdom of Heaven, it ceases to be the material universe governed by the laws of matter and begins to behave like Spirit. Again, the key is to be looking where the transformation in your mind is going to occur, to keep it where the Kingdom of Heaven is. It’s not appropriate for you to look beyond It. It’s not appropriate for you to rise above It. It’s important for you to look at where Reality is, so that the Movement of the Holy Spirit can cause you to be paying attention, as that which you had determined was mortal and fearsome and dangerous shifts into a conscious experience of the substance of Spirit—the nature of which is love and the function of which is to communicate to you its divinity—can register with you as you Wake up.
. . . the definitions you’ve given to it . . .
Project this not upon the visibility and tangibility of the ideas of God that are the Kingdom of Heaven.
Four more key words:
You see, this is very significant, these are key points. And remember, the very first sentence:
That’s what the point is. That’s the shift that needs to be made from body identification, meaning all forms shifting from body identification to Mind identification in which You as Mind—the Presence of God—stop translating the substance of Spirit and therefore, of all Creation into matter separate from you, at odds with you, dangerous to you. As you go through this next week I encourage you, as many times during the day as you remember to do it and have fun with it, look at a thing and say, “Oh, that’s not matter . . . Oh, that’s not matter . . . Oh, that’s the substance of Spirit. Oh, that’s an idea . . . even if I touch it and it feels solid, that is an experience of an idea. That is a Mind experience, not a body experience. And it’s the experience of an idea felt by Mind and not a table felt by a finger—matter out there.” Have fun with this, this week and as I said, do it as frequently as you remember to do it. And let it be fun even if it seems nonsensical to you, because that’s the way you will begin to make a shift so that when you look at something, when you see something, it will not be your automatic assumption that is what you always thought it was . . . and that it is something you need to get beyond. I love you. And I hope you have a really interesting and wonderful time engaging in this practice this coming week. It’s not all supposed to be negative hard work. A lift, an inspiration, can cause it to be much easier to abandon a misperception, a false belief, . . a commitment to ignorance. Okay.A Course In Miracles (reference pages)
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Adidas Human Race he said many gymgoers Just watch us. Baseball will be on for the next seven months. We're going to be on for only a few more weeks. So just watch us. Or if you're not going to watch, just vote for me, anyway. 1-800-868-3403 [Laughs].SI: Yeah, you're better off just begging for votes than begging the sports crowd t.Ray Ban Outlet o watch the whole show.Andrews: What's funny about this whole thing is I feel stupid pleading my case because I feel like I'm running for student government president. I feel dumb asking people to vote for me. It's really cheesy. .Ray Ban Outlet But I just want to stay to the end. I really do. The Best and Worst of SummerSlam offers up the best (meaning the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things) and worst (most faulty, unsatisfactory, or objectio.Herve Leger Outlet nable) of SummerSlam. Brandon Stroud is a syndicated advice columnist whose weekly column, The Best and Worst of SummerSlam, is featured in over 250 newspapers nationwide.WWE SummerSlam (formerly the second most important .Herve Leger Dress On Sale pay-per-view, now slightly less important than Fully Loaded and WWE Inferno Match, the show where every match is an inferno match) has come and gone, and FanHouse is here to touch on the highlights and lowlights of .Coach Outlet fake wrestling's biggest night of the season. For a less infuriating review of what happened, be sure to check out Brian Fritz's SummerSlam recap, and if you just can't read more than a sentence at a time, click on over to the results. Best.Coach Outlet Online : "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson ReturnsThe Miz announced that he'd be the seventh member of Team WWE. Triple H made an appearance at SummerSlam Fann Axxesss and winked a lot about it. The Undertaker was going to show up. The .Christian Louboutin Outlet stars weren't aligning for my EWR fantasy booking storyline to happen, but somehow it did, and the best wrestler in the world returned to a company full of people heavier and taller than him (and Evan Bourne) to be the mystery.Authentic Nike Air Jordan partner.I've made no bones about my absolutely pansexual love of Bryan Danielson, so my cynical "I know what is going to happen next on wrestling" rules package on the first day of the 112th Congress that will kee.Yeezy Boost 350p in place a rule prohibiting former members of Congress who are currently registered lobbyists from using the gym.Some of the House’s gym rats, however, say that — rule or no rule — lobbying has not been a problem in the gym. Maryland.Adidas Human Race Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, who regularly utilizes the free exercise facilities, told POLITICO, “No one has ever come to me or anyone I know to lobby. That’s just not what we talk about at the gym.”A congressman since 2003, Ruppersber.Adidas nmdger said that in the House members’ gym, located unassumingly in a sub-basement of the Rayburn Office Building, “a lot of the conversations are about sports.” Plus, he said, many gym-goers take advantage of the more casual venue to get to k.NIke Soccer Cleatsnow one another, including seasoned lawmakers like John Dingell and younger members who are regulars. “There is no question that there’s a great opportunity to engage with people from across the aisle,” said Ruppersberger.“Whether or n.Adidas Soccer Shoesot you are liberal or conservative, you are there to work out,” said Ruppersberger. Even the gym TVs have gone bipartisan over the years.“One of the funny things is that when I was first here there was only one TV and there was always an argument about whether we watched CNN or FOX,” said Ruppersberger. “Now we have three TVs and can watch FOX, CNN and ‘SportsCenter.’”Of course, political programming and conversations are inevitable in a gym located inside a congressional office building. But, as Arizona Rep. Jeff Flake puts it, the gym is “a unique space on Capitol Hill” – one where people get worked up by barbells and treadmills and less by one another. While “there is a lot of discussion back and forth – you don’t act like you do on the floor or on ‘Hardball,’” said Flake.New York Sen. Chuck Schumer described a similar vibe while discussing congressional gyms with POLITICO in 2009. “People are more frank when they’re wearing their gym clothes,” said Schumer, who took 10 years to make the switch from the House to the Se | |||
Linda123456 |
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NIke Soccer Cleats won the preweekend Just watch us. Baseball will be on for the next seven months. We're going to be on for only a few more weeks. So just watch us. Or if you're not going to watch, just vote for me, anyway. 1-800-868-3403 [Laughs].SI: Yeah, you're better off just begging for votes than begging the sports crowd t.Ray Ban Outlet o watch the whole show.Andrews: What's funny about this whole thing is I feel stupid pleading my case because I feel like I'm running for student government president. I feel dumb asking people to vote for me. It's really cheesy. .Ray Ban Outlet But I just want to stay to the end. I really do. The Best and Worst of SummerSlam offers up the best (meaning the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things) and worst (most faulty, unsatisfactory, or objectio.Herve Leger Outlet nable) of SummerSlam. Brandon Stroud is a syndicated advice columnist whose weekly column, The Best and Worst of SummerSlam, is featured in over 250 newspapers nationwide.WWE SummerSlam (formerly the second most important .Herve Leger Dress On Sale pay-per-view, now slightly less important than Fully Loaded and WWE Inferno Match, the show where every match is an inferno match) has come and gone, and FanHouse is here to touch on the highlights and lowlights of .Coach Outlet fake wrestling's biggest night of the season. For a less infuriating review of what happened, be sure to check out Brian Fritz's SummerSlam recap, and if you just can't read more than a sentence at a time, click on over to the results. Best.Coach Outlet Online : "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson ReturnsThe Miz announced that he'd be the seventh member of Team WWE. Triple H made an appearance at SummerSlam Fann Axxesss and winked a lot about it. The Undertaker was going to show up. The .Christian Louboutin Outlet stars weren't aligning for my EWR fantasy booking storyline to happen, but somehow it did, and the best wrestler in the world returned to a company full of people heavier and taller than him (and Evan Bourne) to be the mystery.Authentic Nike Air Jordan partner.I've made no bones about my absolutely pansexual love of Bryan Danielson, so my cynical "I know what is going to happen next on wrestling" nate gym.Though it took Schumer a while to leave it behind, the Hou.Yeezy Boost 350se gym doesn’t offer anything particularly alluring beyond a pool, paddle-ball and basketball courts, and weight and exercise rooms.“It’s not palatial, it’s like an old Elks Lodge,” said Flake, who earned his athletic reputation after .Adidas Human Racehe spent a week alone on a “Survivor”-like trip to the Pacific's Marshall Islands in 2009. Flake – along with other congressmen including Reps. Heath Shuler, Jason Chaffetz, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy – regularly hits up the gym to.Adidas nmd flex his muscles with Tony Horton’s P90X, a notoriously intense workout.Though they’re used to seeing one another in action on the House floor, members get a chance to size up their colleagues’ athletic chops in the gym. It turns out that.NIke Soccer Cleats it’s not just the weight-lifters who gain their fellow members’ respect. According to Flake, Reps. Ron Kind and Jim Jordan are quite the speed racers. “You don’t want to be next to those guys on the treadmill. They move fast,” said Fl.Adidas Soccer Shoesake. Even if you didn’t stand at the top of the podium in high school, said Flake, “If you can beat Mike Oxley on the court, you’re a star in Congress.”It’s the paddle-ball courts that often beckon Flake, who says he has “an ongoing paddle-ball war with Charlie Dent.” The two Republicans play “a couple of games a week,” said Flake. The winner gets one of life’s cheapest thrills – boasting rights.“Whoever wins the game before the weekend gets to taunt the other,” said Flake. “I got an e-mail from [Dent] on Thanksgiving that said, ‘Happy Thanksgiving, loser.’” But the power balance flipped before Christmas, when Flake won the pre-weekend match. Flake says the friendly rivalry has fueled his New Year’s fitness resolution: “Just beat Charlie Dent before every weekend.” You’ve watched her kick, leap and cha-cha her way to fame (in heels no less!). As one of the principal dancers on 'Dancing With the Stars', Chelsie Hightower spends 10 hours a day perfecting her moves. Although the Season 11 Cast of DWTS won’t be unveiled until | |||
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Adidas Soccer Shoes Svensson said that Just watch us. Baseball will be on for the next seven months. We're going to be on for only a few more weeks. So just watch us. Or if you're not going to watch, just vote for me, anyway. 1-800-868-3403 [Laughs].SI: Yeah, you're better off just begging for votes than begging the sports crowd t.Ray Ban Outlet o watch the whole show.Andrews: What's funny about this whole thing is I feel stupid pleading my case because I feel like I'm running for student government president. I feel dumb asking people to vote for me. It's really cheesy. .Ray Ban Outlet But I just want to stay to the end. I really do. The Best and Worst of SummerSlam offers up the best (meaning the highest quality to be found in a given activity or category of things) and worst (most faulty, unsatisfactory, or objectio.Herve Leger Outlet nable) of SummerSlam. Brandon Stroud is a syndicated advice columnist whose weekly column, The Best and Worst of SummerSlam, is featured in over 250 newspapers nationwide.WWE SummerSlam (formerly the second most important .Herve Leger Dress On Sale pay-per-view, now slightly less important than Fully Loaded and WWE Inferno Match, the show where every match is an inferno match) has come and gone, and FanHouse is here to touch on the highlights and lowlights of .Coach Outlet fake wrestling's biggest night of the season. For a less infuriating review of what happened, be sure to check out Brian Fritz's SummerSlam recap, and if you just can't read more than a sentence at a time, click on over to the results. Best.Coach Outlet Online : "The American Dragon" Bryan Danielson ReturnsThe Miz announced that he'd be the seventh member of Team WWE. Triple H made an appearance at SummerSlam Fann Axxesss and winked a lot about it. The Undertaker was going to show up. The .Christian Louboutin Outlet stars weren't aligning for my EWR fantasy booking storyline to happen, but somehow it did, and the best wrestler in the world returned to a company full of people heavier and taller than him (and Evan Bourne) to be the mystery.Authentic Nike Air Jordan partner.I've made no bones about my absolutely pansexual love of Bryan Danielson, so my cynical "I know what is going to happen next on wrestling" August 30th, Chelsie revealed her dream dance partner in the Septe.Yeezy Boost 350mber issue of Fitness. She also chatted about her most challenging dance partner, the worst part about being on DWTS and her energy-boosting, stay-fit secrets.On her dream dance partner: “Justin Timberlake would be awesome, but that mi.Adidas Human Raceght be reaching too high. I’d love to team up with a World Cup soccer player. I watched the games this summer and those guys are dope. They already have the drive, work ethic and some footwork, so it would be fun to dance with one of.Adidas nmd them.”On her most challenging partner, former Bachelor Jake Pavelka: “If you don’t have some sort of good relationship or chemistry, it’s really hard to do well in the competition.”The worst part of being of the show: “Everything falls on .NIke Soccer Cleatsyou. If the choreography’s not good, if the contestant doesn’t dance well, it’s your fault. Even the costumes and the music are my choices. That’s a lot of pressure. Not to mention that 22 million people are watching every week!”On why.Adidas Soccer Shoes dancing is beneficial: “Because it works every part of your body. And even though it’s hard, it’s fun, so that keeps you going. Dancing also lifts your spirits in that it loosens you up, makes you more "Dancing With The Stars'" Chelsie Hightower's Fitness Secrets apcom is hitting “Continue” on another Street Fighter movie despite suffering a pair of brutal KOs on their previous attempts. Speaking to GamerLive.tv, Capcom’s vice president of strategic planning and business development, Christian Svensson said that they’re still moving forward with attempts to successfully bring the long-running videogame franchise to the big screen. Here is his amazing answer to why Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li was such an astounding failure:There’s a book to be written there. This is where I have to be careful. Let’s just say there were a lot of people with different ideas as to what was the best route to take with that movie. A path was chosen, a result was had. I think there are some learnings internally that we’ve taken aw | |||
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