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Random quote: Teacher of God, your one assignment could be stated thus: Accept no compromise in which death plays a part.~~ MFT
- (Added by: Carson)

Sticky The Wayshower's Answer

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Posted 2021-01-09 7:43 AM (#243358)
Subject: The Wayshower's Answer


Posts: 1515
Dear friends,

There are a few thoughts I wish to share with you today through Susan. First of all, Paul is continuing to recover at a steady pace, and he is scheduled to be released from extended care on Tuesday of next week. Paul and I will be sharing with you soon our continued clarifying perspectives. He is very grateful for your ongoing support at this time. 

Now we must respond to the need at hand. Susan has found herself challenged by a sensation of unrest. I wish to share the following message I gave to her during the early morning hours of the 6th of January. Here is my Answer. 

Peace is heaven's first law. Cooperation with heaven's order settles the unrest caused by the argument that there is another will beside the One Will. Omnipotence is not up for debate. Therefore, the unity of all that God created remains with its source. Making peace your treasure allows you to fly under the radar of conflict. Keeping whole what is whole becomes the purpose fulfilled by not answering the call to prove anything. 
Do you see the truth that "nothing real can be threatened" calls for only abiding with this truth, and the truth "nothing unreal exists" means you cease trying to prove anything. Letting go is an act of grace calling grace to be your companion that bears witness to innocence on your behalf.

Last night as we continued to talk, Susan again found herself challenged by unrest. Here was my answer:

There is a need to move past a large number of Americans feeling an urgency to remove "this one" from the ranks of presidency. And so my last answer to you is a roadmap of where to go to hear my voice amidst the great galvanizing of minds in the presence of resolve. 

This morning as Susan continues to doubt that she will be able to hear me, I am reminding her that I know the Way. We will now speak of the need for financial support. 

Today there is a chance the phone service will be suspended; which is among many other bills that have now come due. Our need has increased to $3700 to bring things back into balance. Your support is greatly valued as we experience together the movement of Love. 

To be continued...

- Rajpur

For those who wish to make a contribution, you can do so via:

PayPal (or PayPal.me)
Zelle App (iOS, Android)

Or donate via our website 

You can also mail your contribution to:

P.O. Box 1490
Kingston, WA 98346

You are welcome to call Susan at (360) 638-0530.

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