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Sticky A Tranquilizer Called Transaction

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Posted 2021-03-17 4:46 AM (#244663)
Subject: A Tranquilizer Called Transaction


Posts: 1515


We are going to have to revisit this request down the road once the church is open.  Even though we may have acceptable collateral, U.S. Bank is a cash flow lender.  Without incoming cash flow, tithes, donations etc. that I can show evidence of for the past 3 years consecutively, we aren’t able to move forward.

I will stay in touch.  Best regards”

Such is the loan officer’s determination. And so, as I said: “When the ‘can’t’ argues against the ‘can,’ one must not take the bait. One must Listen, Hear, and then if met by ‘can’t’ must say again, ‘And what’s the next step,’ over and over, staying in step with the ‘can’ of Being . . . the ‘yes, you can’ . . . because the ‘no, you can’t’ is lying.”

The Word of God is, “Behold, I make all things new,” and “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,” and “Ask, and you shall receive,” and “To have, give all to all.”

It is not transactional! 

“This” does not depend on “that”!

This is what it is so hard to grasp. What’s more, it leads to the idea that scarcity increases value—the fewer there are of something, the more it will cost to have them. If the market were flooded with all the diamonds there already are, the less prized they would be, even though they would be no less beautiful. 

It is hard to understand that value is inseparable from needs met,because needs unmet generate the tension which causes one to “reach,” and “reaching,” it is believed, strengthens one’s character, logic, and blesses him. As I also shared, it is responsible for misunderstanding the idea that illusory or negative experiences will be turned to our advantage by the Holy Spirit.

Unfulfilled needs are not the stepping-stones to Wholeness. They are not your best friends! They are the stepping-stones to greater determination, greater self-will which, sooner or later, the Holy Spirit WILL have to turn to your advantage, because that which is nothing more than your right Mind (Holy Spirit) will not leave you comfortless, ignorant, experiencing what seems to be two minds where there is only one.

So, the question may well be asked: “This website is supposed to be about A Course in Miracles, and I don’t understand or appreciate the predominance of posts begging for money!” But what is really behind that thought is the “bother” of being involved

It is the call for  caring—of having to give your attention to the fact that Truth, Life and Love, that all things spiritual, do not hang in the ethers, floating, unattached to anything. Something is expressing Them. Someone is giving voice to Them. And that Someone is just like you . . . right down to your needs . . . which you understand quite well . . . which means that you know your Brother or Sister much better than you want to. Why? Because you need something from them, and that means they need something from you, and your experience of lack informs you that under the circumstances, you don’t have what it takes to give them anything! 

The “can’t” confronts the “can” and obscures it with emotion, and so imagination has devised, in many forms, a numbing defense, a tranquilizer of sorts, called transaction. “If you have something I want, sell it to me.” I will give you whatever amount you want which doesn’t exceed the value I place on what you have, and I won’t have to give you any of my “self.” You will be whole, I will be whole, and never the twain shall meet. 

Ah-h-h, the bliss of isolation!”

Transaction is the wall we build to keep each other in our places. “Don’t violate my space by getting into it and requiring some, if not all, of my attention.” Without stating it, you are saying, “I know I am just like you, and I need your attention, but that requires of me more than I want to give, and more than you deserve. After all, if I can’t have it, neither can you!”

And, you become their “can’t,” in which they must not only be willing to see their “can,” they must insist upon it . . . in order to be yours!

Why should we not have another post “begging for money” when it is actually a post proposing the essential necessity of “connecting,” of letting down defenses and becoming intimate, of not pretending to be “better than thou” and making each other “measure up to and deserveour attention?”

I am here to be your “yes,” even though you have been conditioned to want me to join you in agreement with your “no.”

Some say, “I didn’t come here to be faced with a requirement. I came here to be stimulated by Truth in the privacy of my mind. I came here because I was bored, or was disturbed and needed some inspiration, or because I love the Truth. The last thing I came here to do was to get involved with someone and the messiness of their humanness. If I wanted to do that, I would become a counselor, open an office, and charge for the ‘work’ of caring!”

And, I would charge a good chunk for an hour of my time!

No. Transaction is not the stepping-stone to Atonement. And I am not here to teach that. “Why,” you ask, “aren’t you talking about A Course in Miracles, then, and leaving me free to do with it what I will? Why harangue me with $$$$ issues? Or seeing to it that Paul and Susan, Chris and Judy, have a place to live, or a way to pay their bills?” 

Well, you know what? A Course in Miracles is not a collection of ideas to roll around on one’s tongue, relishing every morsel. A Course in Miraclesis the correction of the Fall. It is the shift from I to We, from me to Us, from listening and giving voice to Truth instead of illusion, Brotherhood instead of good manners or the governance of rules.

You are right! I am not talking about A Course in Miracles. I am A Course in Miracles IN ACTION, illuminating what it is uncovering as you, so that you might get your heads out of the book and into your heart, and into your Brother’s space, and letting your Brother into yours, and finding the “yes” there which undoes all of the “no’s” for both of you.

I cannot promote transaction, and as long as Paul is willing to work with me, his persisting in finding the “yes” in the face of “no,” and in the face of what he is conditioned to cooperate with when he shouldn’t, it is worth your time and any embarrassment he might feel, to do and be what everyone is faced with having to do and be . . . and doing it right out there in front of everyone, as he has done for the past 40 years . . . and helping everyone understand what “feet on the ground and head not too far away” spirituality actually means.

Feet on the ground: In 14 days a $527,000 lien on the residence Paul and Susan live in needs to be paid in order to avoid foreclosure.

Head not too far away: Paul, insisting upon looking at the “can,” instead of yielding to fear and the “can’t” of the situation, is looking with me and learning from me—at this very moment—that we will engage in fund-raising until the “yes” is all that’s seen.

At the top of the blog we will track the contributions so that everyone knows where things stand, and so that everyone can be encouraged to insist upon repeatedly asking of their Guide or the Holy Spirit, “What is the next step” when their conditioning and that of others says, “There is none.”

It is meant to be remembered that “the Father’s good pleasure” is a pleasant thing—nothing less!

I love you.

Kingston, Washington
March 17th, 2021


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P.O. Box 1490
Kingston, WA 98346

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