What is the point of this meeting? We are following ACIM and Raj's guidance to accept Awakening, together ......MEANING: The END of sin, sickness and death, for you and I and everyone. .......the biggest, most outrageous, most worthwhile desire/goal I've ever come across. Or: is it impossible .....and we shouldn't even bother? Today: Saturday morning: 8:30 AM PT (Pacific Time) USA PLEASE NOTE: If you participate, this is YOUR meeting, every bit as much as everyone else who participates! We want what YOU bring to EVERYONE'S Awakening!!! FYI: I email a copy of this to whoever requests it, whether participating in the meeting or not. Reply to this message. We will find a way to put you on the email list. We are following Raj's guidance to accept Awakening, together. YOU are invited!!! We sure would Love to have your participation! I Love you, William Go online to: Zoom.us ........super easy to get started. Or: Join the meeting by PHONE (no video), call: 346-248-7799 or 669-900-9128. Then, join the meeting: Meeting ID: 872 9311 4948 PASSWORD: 334068 We will discover the format and agenda together. |